Curriculum Intent

Pride black text

At The Streetly Academy we take PRIDE in all we do. 


Our intent is for all students to: 


  • Achieve Personal Excellence in every aspect of their school lives leading to academic success. 

  • Treat each other with Respect and Friendship. 

  • Experience Inspirational opportunities that will fuel lifelong ambition. 

  • Overcome challenges with Determination and Courage 

  • To champion the principles of social justice, British values, well-being, and Equality for all. 

These values sit at the heart of our school ethos and vision.

Our PRIDE ethos and curriculum pillars are what we consider to be key underlying principles that run through all aspects of school life at The Streetly Academy.

Curriculum Information

Key Stage 3

We are committed to a broad and balanced Key Stage 3 provision where all students are taught a wide variety of subjects alongside the core offer of English, Mathematics, Science and Physical Education.

Year 9 students are able to ‘specialise’ in 2 subjects from; Design Technology, Food Technology, Art, Dance, Drama and Music.

The school day consists of 5, 1 hour lessons with an additional 35 minute Life Curriculum session with form tutors every morning. As part of our commitment to physical activity, all students take part in the Streetly Mile twice a week to supplement.

Key Stage 4

Alongside their core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Core PE, and Philosophy and Ethics (in year 10 only), students are able to choose 4 ‘option’ subjects to pursue their interests. Option subjects are studied for 5 hours per fortnight. The full ‘English Baccalaureate, consisting of core subjects, a humanity subject and a modern language, is available to all students in this Key Stage.


Key Stage 5

Entry to our Sixth Form is subject to a successful application. All courses have an entry criteria with prerequisite GCSE grades. A wide variety of A level and vocational courses are available to internal and external candidates. Sixth Form students can take up to 3 A Level or vocations courses, each of which is studied for 9 hours per fortnight in year 12 and 10 hours per fortnight in year 13. All sixth form students also have access to our hugely successful Football and Netball Academies.


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Whole School Curriculum Intent Oct 2021... 05th Oct 2021 Download

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