Another amazing Community Iftar @StreetlyAcademy. Staff, students and families of all different faiths and communities gathered tonight to show their solidarity and to celebrate our diversity.— StreetlyRE (@streetlyre) March 25, 2025
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Uniform Policy
Uniform is important in developing a sense of school community, an ethos of belonging, and levelling the playing field between students by expecting everyone to adhere to the same standard, regardless of their background. As a school, we pride ourselves on attention to detail in the little things, so that small issues do not develop into larger, more serious problems.
Very little of our school uniform consists of branded items. Most of the uniform can be purchased off the shelf at any good, generic clothing store. We also maintain a stock of second-hand uniform items in many sizes. Given the current economic climate, if this is something a family needs to utilise, please call the school and speak to Mrs Leadbeater (or e-mail We usually charge £1 per item (to cover cleaning costs). Equally, we welcome donations where families wish to put the uniform of a former student, or the outgrown uniform of a current student, to a good cause.
School branded uniform is available from the following retailers, please make sure you follow the guidance below when making purchases:
Clive Mark
11-13 Boldmere Rd
Sutton Coldfield
B73 5UY
Uniform Plus
935 Walsall Rd
B42 1TN
Online ordering from Uniform Plus -
Clive Mark and Uniform Plus will be selling uniform at transition evening.
PE Kit & Equipment
Core PE kit
Streetly ‘Park 20 Training Top’
Streetly Shorts/Skort
Black Football socks (For all Outdoor activities except in Summer)
Black Streetly ‘Park 20 Crew Top’ or old Streetly Fleece- (No hoodies or zip jackets.)
Trainers (No pumps or canvas-style shoes)
Optional extras – For outdoor/winter wear.
Black ‘Park 20 Knit Track Jacket’
Black Streetly ‘Park 20 knit Pant’ or Black jogging bottoms (Plain with minimal logos)
Black Sports leggings. – (No thin /none sports leggings without Skort or shorts).
Base layer (must be black).
Liss Sport offer an attractive PE kit package, ordered online via their Streetly Academy PE kit page: and delivered to home.
Plain black T-shirt, shorts, jogging bottoms, and sweatshirts are all acceptable alternatives should families prefer to purchase locally from the high street or supermarkets. (These must not carry large logos or branding).
Additional activity equipment required
Gum shield for Rugby or Hockey
Football boots for Rugby & Football.
Swimming costume (1 piece, No bikini’s)
Swimming hat
Hair bobble (Long hair must be tried up in lesson)
Jewellery and valuables
All Jewellery must be removed before the beginning of lessons and handed into the valuables box which will be returned at the end of lessons.
We recommend students do not bring valuable items or jewellery into school on PE days.
Religious bands & jewellery are to be covered with a sweatband or removed as they can cause inadvertent injury.
Change of activities
Where additional activity equipment is required. PE staff will endeavour to give at least 1 week’s notice via email. This however isn’t always possible, we therefore advise that parents source this equipment for the beginning of the school year wherever possible.
Watching school Fixtures
We would encourage all parents to come and support their child in any sporting competition they represent the school in. Other school’s don’t allow this, so when possible, we will notify parents in advance. If you plan to support your child at away fixtures, it is always best to check with the PE department in case we are aware or can find out individual school policies in advance.
Where fixtures take place during the school day, we require parents to sign in at reception, they will also be required to be chaperoned by staff while on site.
Injury, illness or lost kit.
We understand that due to injury or illness parents may at times prefer their child not to take part in their PE lesson. In addition to a note (or email) expressing this request, students should still bring and change into their PE kit for the lesson. Students will still then be involved in the learning taking place in the lesson as either a leader, official etc. where appropriate.
If school PE kit has been misplaced or lost. A not or email is required AND an alternative kit (anything dark-coloured preferably) from home is required.
Where kit is not brought to the lesson, students will be required to borrow a spare kit, which is washed daily.
If any families have difficulty meeting any of these expectations, please contact your child’s PE teacher, Mr Mace (Head of PE) or the pastoral team and we will do our very best to support you in doing so.
Girls’ uniform
Skirts - should be loose fitting and A-line, not be made from stretchy material and should be worn just above the knee.
Trousers - should be black, plain and without embellishments (e.g. no visible or distinctive zips or buckles). They should be loose fitting (e.g. straight leg or boot cut). No stretchy fabric, jeans or denim-style trousers, or leggings. Belts, if worn, must be discreet, with no large fastenings or buckles.
Blazers - should be worn at all times, unless directed by staff. No fashionable fitted jackets; sleeves must be worn down and not rolled up. The Streetly Academy badge must be worn on the chest pocket of the blazer.
Jewellery - if worn, this should be discreet and limited to only one plain and flat finger ring. One pair of small ear studs in the ear lobe may be worn. No stretchers or plugs are allowed. No facial or body piercings are allowed, including nose studs and tongue piercings.
Hair - extremes in hair colour, styles or shaved designs (including lines) are not allowed. This includes steps in the grading of the hair.
Shoes - preferably black, plain, formal leather shoes. No sports markings, no canvas or suede, no boots, no high-top shoes. All-black trainers which look like shoes and have no coloured markings also acceptable (please see examples).
Shirts - white shirts with a top button, no open-necked blouses. Shirts must be fully tucked into trousers or skirts at all times.
Ties - must be worn at all times and correctly tied, with the school badge fully visible below the knot.
No make-up may be worn in Years 7 or 8. Light make-up may be worn by students in Year 9 and above (at the discretion of the relevant Head of Year). Bright make-up or lipstick are not acceptable. False eyelashes, coloured nail varnish or false nails (gels/acrylic/shellac) are not allowed.
Outside coats should be smart; no denim or leather jackets. Coats are not to be worn indoors.
Sweater/jumper - plain black V-neck sweater or cardigan (optional). No branding or logos. Strictly no hooded or zipped sweaters.
Socks - grey/black socks or neutral/black tights.
Boys’ uniform
Trousers - should be black, plain and and without embellishments (e.g. no visible or distinctive zips or buckles). They should be loose fitting (e.g. straight leg or boot cut). No jeans or denim-style trousers. Belts, if worn, must be discreet, with no large fastenings or buckles.
Blazers - should be worn at all times, unless directed by staff. Sleeves must be worn down and not rolled up. The Streetly Academy badge must be worn on the chest pocket of the blazer.
Jewellery - if worn, this should be discreet and kept to only one plain and flat finger ring. One pair of small ear studs in the ear lobe may be worn. No stretchers or plugs are allowed. No facial or body piercings are allowed, including nose studs and tongue piercings.
Hair - extremes in hair colour, styles or shaved designs (including lines) are not allowed; this includes steps in the grading of the hair.
Shoes - preferably black, plain, formal leather shoes. No sports markings, no canvas or suede, no boots, no high-top shoes. All-black trainers which look like shoes and have no coloured markings also acceptable (please see examples).
Shirts - white shirts with a top button. Shirts must be fully tucked into trousers at all times.
Ties - must be worn at all times, correctly tied, with the school badge fully visible below the knot.
Outside coats should be smart; no denim or leather jackets. Coats are not to be worn indoors.
Sweater/jumper - plain black V-neck sweater or cardigan (optional). No branding or logos. Strictly no hooded or zipped sweaters.
Socks - grey/black socks.
Breaches of the uniform policy will be dealt with via appropriate sanctions. If there is a temporary issue with an element of uniform, please contact your child's form tutor. If unsure of suitability before purchasing items, please ask the school before buying.
Example allowed footwear
Examples of unaccepted styles
Examples of allowed trousers
Examples of unacceptable styles
Examples of allowed skirts
Examples of unacceptable styles
Good Uniform Examples
Required School Equipment (basic)
- Blue or Black biro
- Purple Pen
- Pencil & pencil sharpener
- Eraser
- Ruler
- Scientific Calculator
- Basic geometry equipment
- A strong black school bag
- A reading book.
- A fully charged Chromebook
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