Another amazing Community Iftar @StreetlyAcademy. Staff, students and families of all different faiths and communities gathered tonight to show their solidarity and to celebrate our diversity.— StreetlyRE (@streetlyre) March 25, 2025
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Safeguarding and Well-being
At the Streetly Academy we are committed to safeguarding children and young people and we expect everyone who works in our school to share this commitment. Adults in our school take all welfare concerns seriously and encourage children and young people to talk to us about anything that worries them.
To achieve this commitment, we ensure continuous development and improvement of robust safeguarding and child protection processes and procedures that promote a culture of safeguarding amongst our staff and volunteers.
Mr M Drury - Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr B Downie - Headteacher
Mrs L Griffiths - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr J Baker - Head of Year 10 & Safeguarding team
Mrs R Flood - Sixth Form Learning Mentor & Safeguarding team
Mrs P Wiley - SENDCO & Safeguarding team
Mr J McCourt - Head of Year 9 & Safeguarding team
Miss C Rigarlsford - Mental Health Lead
Mrs C Leadbeater - Welfare Assistant
Mr A Winters - Designated governor for safeguarding
All members of staff at The Streetly Academy have a responsibility to read and understand all safeguarding policies:
- Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
- Whistle Blowing Policy
- E-Safety Policy
- Flow Chart For Raising Safeguarding Corncerns
All staff receive appropriate safeguarding training and are expected to read relevant and statutory DfE guidance, such as the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education.
This should be read alongside the statutory guidance Working together to Safeguard Children and departmental advice What to do if you are worried a child is being abused – Advice for Practitioners.
Through training, all staff at The Streetly Academy are made aware of the NSPCC Whistleblowing Advice Line on 0800 028 0285. This service provides support to employees needing to raise concerns about how their organisation has handled a child protection concern.
Reporting sexual misconduct - To report sexual misconduct to The Streetly Academy please fill out the following form
Further safeguarding and online safety advice
NSPCC (for adults) 0808 800 5000
NSPCC advice for parents and carers on talking about difficult topics with their children
Child Line (for young people) 0800 111
Gov UK (advice and information regarding the reporting of child abuse
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)
Pause works with women who have experienced, or are at risk of, repeat removals of children from their care.
Through an intense programme of support, it aims to break this cycle and give women the opportunity to reflect, tackle destructive patterns of behaviour, and to develop new skills and responses that can help them create a more positive future. In doing so, it aims to prevent the damaging consequences of thousands more children being taken into care.
Forward Thinking Birmingham - Is the provider of mental health services for people up to the age of 25 in Birmingham.
Our new, modern mental health service offers support, care and treatment for all 0-25s through one organisation, making it easier for you to access the right support at the right time.
Established by teachers from amongst the country’s most successful schools, Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) aims to improve the lives of children by making a genuine, positive difference to their mental health and wellbeing.
With a decade’s worth of experience, our charity is the most established provider of mindfulness training and curricula for schools. 350,000 primary and secondary pupils have already benefited from our programme, which helps them to flourish academically, socially and emotionally – and we want to reach many more.
Students Mental Health Support in School booklet
Please find the Students Mental Health Support in School booklet here
We have added several links to external sites. These offer a wealth of specific information, advice and tips to young people and their parents on all esafety related issues.
For Students/Young People
If you need to get advice or talk to someone urgently, there are also links to the helplines these organisations operate.
Are you a student looking for help?
Cyberbullying | Don’t respond to the bully. Block them. Tell a trusted adult. Go online (or speak to a teacher) for help. The help sites are listed below. |
Lost control of an account | Go to the “Help” pages for the site. Report the issue. DO NOT share the same password for different accounts! If you do, change your passwords immediately. |
Pictures / videos of you on a site that you don’t want to be public? | Remember the “Grandma” rule. Report the post containing the offending content. Mention in your report that the content is of someone under 18 – it may help speed things along. |
Remember CEOP | You can make a report from here (click the button on the upper-right of this page), from many of the advice sites listed below, or by visiting the CEOP website. |
You can get help from any of these places, 24/7
Report Harmful Content
This site, set up by the Safer Internet Centre, allows you to get specific guidance on esafety-related issues and also report issues directly.
Report abuse directly to the online-safety branch of the Police. You can click the button above to make a report.
Get advice and help on all aspects of esafety from locking down your devices and social media accounts, to cyberbullying, to getting rid of viruses and malware.
Our Safety Centre
Can’t remember how to lock down an app on your phone? This site will (probably) have the details you need. They have loads of advice and videos showing you how to secure your phone and apps.
Visit the Our Safety Centre website.
If you having problems online, or in the real world, these people can help. They have an excellent phone advice service too (0800 1111).
If you are looking for presentations you have used in esafety lessons, a good place to start is on your Google Classroom stream.
For Parents / Guardians
It can often seem that young people (“digital natives”) are running ahead with their use of technology, leaving the “digital aliens” (30 years old +) further behind and struggling to catch up with the latest app or social media site. There are many sites that contain useful and up-to-date advice and information to enable you to keep in touch with the online trends and support your child.
Useful Links
A good parental advice portal which also has direct links for reporting abuse.
Internet Matters
An excellent source of advice for parents / guardians. Covers many of the issues affecting teenage users.
Visit the Internet Matters website
Our Safety Centre
Practical advice on configuring privacy settings for your devices and social media accounts, safe searching, blocking malicious communications and reporting esafety issues. This site uniquely allows you to select your device / service and get step-by-step tutorials.
Visit the Our Safety Centre website
NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe Online
Comprehensive advice for parents, including online safety guides.
Report Harmful Content
This site, set up by the Safer Internet Centre, allows you to get specific guidance on esafety-related issues and also report issues directly.
Specific Help for Apps / Social Networks
You can use these links to get advice from the service and, in many cases, report problems.
Broadband Parental Controls: How To Keep Your Child Safe Online
Other Information
There is a coordinated curriculum of e-safety awareness:
- Year 7 - all students complete "unit 7.0" on induction to the school, which covers the themes of cyberbullying, protecting personal information and threats of viruses / trojans / phishing.
- Year 8 and 9 - students are given an esafety "top up" lesson at the start of the year, with topics selected to meet the prevailing requirements of the time (e.g. being a critical digital information consumer)
- Assemblies covering esafety topics are delivered to all year groups.
- For students joining the school outside of the academic year start, an online esafety knowledge test is completed as part of their induction programme.
Newsletter Archive
The newsletter archive can be found here