Another amazing Community Iftar @StreetlyAcademy. Staff, students and families of all different faiths and communities gathered tonight to show their solidarity and to celebrate our diversity.— StreetlyRE (@streetlyre) March 25, 2025
Media Studies
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Key Stage 4
Year 10 2017/18
Eduqas GCSE Media Studies
Students will begin Year 10 with an introduction to the key terms and concepts that underpin all assessments throughout the course. The four key concepts of Media Language, Audiences, Representations and Media Industries shall be discussed by analysing a variety of media forms including television, advertising, radio, magazines and music videos. From January 2018 students will continue to develop their understanding of media texts by planning and creating various media products in preparation for component 3 (30% of the GCSE). Eduqas will release set production briefs for component 3 on March 1st and students will be required to engage with the brief by considering the key concepts as well as interacting with the brief with creativity and flair. Students will refocus in the final summer half term on the exam structure for components 1 and 2 in preparation for their Year 11 Studies.
Eduqas GCSE Media Studies Course Details
Year 11 2017/18
AQA GCSE Media Studies
Students will finalise their Unit 1 controlled assessments. Assignments 1 and 2 were due for completion at the end of Year 10 and they will complete their Assignment 3 research, planning, production and evaluation. Unit 1 accounts for 60% of their GCSE. From January 2018, students will begin preparations for the Unit 2 exam. The topic for this year’s exam is Serial TV Drama, so students will continue to develop knowledge and understanding of the media key concepts and explore this television genre by researching and analysing a set of case studies. Fours weeks prior to the exam, AQA will provide an exam pre-release brief with further information that will allow students to start prepare further for the exam. Students will be provided with revision booklets to support their preparation for this exam alongside their class and independent notes.
Key Stage 5
Year 12 2017/18
Eduqas A Level Media Studies
Students undertaking AS Media Studies provided by Educas will be required to complete 3 components of assessment. Components 1 and 2 will be assessed as summer examinations while component 3 will be a controlled piece of Media Production; previous study of Media is not essential as key concepts and theorists will be discussed during the first half term. Following the opening term students will be focusing on the assessments components below simultaneously.
- Component 1 (Investigating the Media) : Throughout this component student's will be introduced to the key concepts of Media Studies including Representation, Media Language and Audiences. The component (35% of the AS Level) will seek for students to engage and discuss with anticipated audience interpretation while using terminology and theoretical discussion to underpin their investigations.
- Component 2 (Investigating Media Forms and Products) : For Component 2 (35% of the AS Level) students will focus on three distinct media forms with set texts/products being supplied by Educas. Learners will also be expected to draw upon the key concepts discussed during component 1 to support and contextualise their studies of media forms.
- Component 3 (Media Production) : Students will be required to respond to a set of briefs that are supplied by Educas from September 1st. Students will be expected to engage with key concepts and theorists while also demonstrating creativity and flair in relation to the set task. The media production will account for 30% of the AS Level.
Eduqas A Level Media Studies Course Details
Year 13 2017/18
AQA A Level Media Studies
- MEST 4: Research and Production. Students will complete their 200 word critical investigation, which is based on a chosen media topic. This will investigate this issue with a focus on the four media key concepts and an exploration of primary and secondary research texts. Students will also plan and produce a media product which is reflective of their research findings. This unit accounts for 50% of A2 Level, and 25% of overall A-Level.
- MEST 3: Exam in the summer term. Section A focuses on unseen media texts and students will analyse and respond to the unseen texts with reference to the key concepts as well as wider social and audience issues. In preparation for section B of the exam, students will develop an independent case study focusing on Identity in the Media. This case study will then inform their response to an extended essay in response to one question in section B. This unit accounts for 50% of A2 Level, and 25% of overall A-Level.