Don't Suffer In Silence, Make A Report.

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Welcome to the School Help Advice Reporting Page system for The Streetly Academy.


This website is designed to help students, parents, carers and other members of the community stay safe by being able to :

1) Report issues they have inside or outside of school.

2) Use the information to signpost individuals to get the support they need while they're not at school.

3) Inform parents and carers in a range of issues.


If you wish to contact Mr M Drury (Designated Safeguard Lead) or Mrs L Griffiths ( Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads), click on the make a report section. If you would like to refer yourself for help and support you will need to leave us your name and details.


Please take the time to look through the pages and if you feel that you can help to keep our school a safe and friendly place to be, you can get in touch using the link.


This is a CONFIDENTIAL way to stop YOU, a FRIEND or SOMEONE you know being at risk of harm.

Make Report